I took all of these pictures with my phone to one day blog about it. When the memory on my phone was completely full and I didn't want to delete any pictures it was finally time to blog. Here are some random pictures that I didn't have the heart to delete until I posted. Enjoy!
Going to the temple grand opening.
Draper temple
Bus ride to the Draper temple.
Jeffrey drugged after his major knee surgery.
Worst migraine of my LIFE!
Disney Lands Christmas parade
Merry Christmas.. this is the picture I sent Dale the morning of Christmas in Disneyland.
Disney light parade..... Pirates
Tinker Bell
Puff the magic dragon
Cinderella (my favorite)
Alice and wonderland
My present
Our first Christmas together!!
Hockey game double date with Sarah and Jeff.
Going to FLORIDA!!!
Best dessert with my best friend Sarah for her birthday!
Dales wedding ring.
My soon to be engagement ring!!!!!
In the plane flying to Dallas Texas... HAPPY BIRTHDAY DALE!!
Ben proposing to TIFFANY on temple square
Fish eggs and one dare
My first Aggies game... it was pretty intense! Thank you KC and X for the best weekend in Logan ever!!!!
50-97 year old women dancing and it was AWESOME
This was a 97 year old women!! She was amazing... she did moves I can't even do!
Valenties Day in Park city and visiting an ice castle.
My veil for my wedding!!!
Jeff and Dale playing with my phone while Sarah and I are doing some major Dr Mario gaming.
So this has been some of Dale's and mine crazy adventures this year! Its been a good year and I'm excited for the things to come!