wedding count down

Promote My Wedding
Wedding Ticker from PromoteMyWedding

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Credit Cards

So I'm very proud to say..... that I have pretty much cut up all my credit cards today. I've been meaning to do it for awhile now. I guess I was just afraid of hurting the poor companies feelings. But now I know they don't have feelings and it felt pretty good getting rid of them, specially since I don't use them. It will look better on my credit score too for doing that. Which is pretty cool too! So I'm down to two and hopefully down to none by the end of this year. DEBT SUCKS and its kinda scary how fast you can fall if your not careful. So I'm happy to say I can check off one goal I've achieved this year!!! Now only 99 more to go......


Ben and Camille said...

ha that's a SWEET picture below! way to go girl! you're amazing.

K.C. said...

I hope you bought my present before you cut those up! >:D

Sarah said...

Good for you! What a good feeling. I'm so proud of you :)

Dani said...

that's so awesome!! you go girl!! that's an awesome pic and so you. lol i love it :o) congratulations!!! miss u! hope you're well :o)